May 16, 2018

It’s time to move to HTTPS

By |2018-05-16T21:07:13+00:00May 16th, 2018|Categories: Clients, General Technology, Web Hosting|Tags: , , , |

The web has been moving more and more towards secure connections for all websites, and at the forefront of this movement, has been Google. With the release of Chrome 68 in July, Google will begin adding a "Not Secure" message in the address bars of any website not running over HTTPS. This message will indicate to [...]

August 16, 2016

That Conference 2016

By |2016-08-16T13:36:33+00:00August 16th, 2016|Categories: ASP.NET, C#, General Technology|

I'm about a week out from attending That Conference 2016 in the Wisconsin Dells. This has been my 2nd year attending, and I can't say enough good things about it. Clark and an army of volunteers do a tremendous job of running this year after year, and it's greatly appreciated by all. This year was better than [...]

June 4, 2015

VSLive 2015 in Austin, TX!

By |2018-06-27T17:47:50+00:00June 4th, 2015|Categories: ASP.NET, C#, General Technology, IIS, MVC, SQL Server, Testing|Tags: , |

I'm writing this post from the Austin airport as I'm getting ready to head home after a very educational 4 days in Austin for VSLive 2015. I wanted to quickly write down a lot of key points from all of the sessions I attended. I figure writing about something is a good way to retain a [...]

January 3, 2015

Libraries for Unit Testing MVC5 Controllers

By |2015-01-03T17:25:04+00:00January 3rd, 2015|Categories: C#, General Technology, MVC, Testing|Tags: , |

There are various libraries available to help you unit test your controller actions, returned views and models, and action results with MVC. One that I have recently started using is TestStack.FluentMVCTesting. This library allows you to perform actions on your controllers within your unit tests, and then verify, with a fluent syntax, that those actions behaved [...]

February 20, 2012

2011 Browser Statistics

By |2018-06-27T17:47:26+00:00February 20th, 2012|Categories: General Technology, Web Design|Tags: , |

        I was curious about what the breakdown of browser statistics looked like in 2011, and I was pleasantly surprised by what I found. These statistics are provided by W3Schools and can be found at: 2011 Internet Explorer Firefox Chrome Safari Opera December 20.2 % 37.7 % 34.6 % 4.2 % 2.5 % November [...]

December 10, 2011

Rise of developernomics ?

By |2011-12-10T22:45:19+00:00December 10th, 2011|Categories: General Technology|

I don't usually post articles not pertaining directly to ASP.NET/SQL Server/ or other code related things,  but this one caught my attention, and is related to software development. Interesting article that was published from Forbes, touting the value of developers to their companies.  I love the article, but of course I am biased. :)   In [...]

December 28, 2010

Wake on LAN with Linksys WRT54G

By |2018-06-27T17:47:25+00:00December 28th, 2010|Categories: General Technology|Tags: , |

I wanted to write a quick web application to send a MagicPacket to be able to allow my PC to wake up remotely from a sleep or shutdown, using WOL. There were plenty of samples out there, and it was relatively straight forward. Two of them that worked great (at least internally) So I [...]

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