August 27, 2018

WordPress Pages and Posts Not Updating?

By |2018-08-27T21:37:10+00:00August 27th, 2018|Categories: Clients, Wordpress|

I recently had a new client contact me about an issue with their existing WordPress site. Any changes they made to their pages or posts would not save. WordPress would notify them that everything was updated, but nothing actually happened, no errors logged, no error messages returned. I did my due diligence and reverted to a [...]

September 17, 2014

WordPress Infinite 302 Redirect loop on login after Reverting or Overwriting Folders

By |2014-09-17T16:48:15+00:00September 17th, 2014|Categories: Wordpress|Tags: , |

A few weeks ago, I updated a WordPress installation to 4.0, only to find out that the theme it was using, was not yet fully compatible with 4.0. So in order to revert to a prior version of WordPress, I had to download the version I wanted, and remove and re-upload only the wp-admin and wp-includes directories. [...]

August 3, 2013

7 Basic Tips for WordPress Security

By |2018-08-08T18:36:58+00:00August 3rd, 2013|Categories: Web Hosting, Wordpress|Tags: , |

Introduction With WordPress becoming the prominent blogging and website building engine on the market, it's no wonder that its security is a concern. Everyone from stay at home moms to software engineers are using this platform to quickly create sites and publish articles and stories. But when you are the major platform, then you're going to [...]

June 9, 2013

Turn off Responsive Layout for Nexus WordPress Theme

By |2013-06-09T14:39:39+00:00June 9th, 2013|Categories: Web Design, Wordpress|

The Nexus theme from WPAdaptive is an excellent choice for a WordPress theme that needs to have a responsive layout. It is a very professional look and feel with tons of shortcodes and layout options. It will also automatically apply different styling to your pages depending on the device used to view them, but sometimes you [...]

April 23, 2013

New Website Launch – Randall Cullen MD

By |2018-06-27T17:47:50+00:00April 23rd, 2013|Categories: Clients, Web Design, Wordpress|

Once again I am proud to announce the launch of another new website. Randall is a Psychiatrist in the Madison, WI area and specializes in Telepsychiatry and Telepsychiatry consultations. Randall works with adults and children for evaluation and consultation regarding all mental health issues, and has had had intensive training in psychotherapy and psychopharmacology. He needed a [...]

July 4, 2012

Google XML Sitemaps WordPress Plugin – There was a problem writing your sitemap file. Make sure the file exists and is writable. – Solved

By |2012-07-04T16:40:48+00:00July 4th, 2012|Categories: Wordpress|Tags: , |

I use for generating my XML sitemaps for search engines. This is an older plugin but is still in use by many. For quite some time I have been getting an error "There was a problem writing your sitemap file. Make sure the file exists and is writable" This error has been bugging me, and [...]

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